Categories: Prepping

Top 50 Things To Disappear

The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency.

The following list is from our friend Tom over at Camping Survival.com, who put this together based on comments received from his fans and readers. The list is compiled in various categories and are things that they believe would be first to run out when people start to panic (not necessarily the things that you would need first, but the things that others would probably buy first).

Some items on the list may give you ideas for your own preps, before the shelves get cleared in a panic…




1. Bread

2. Butter

3. Cereal

4. Coffee

5. Eggs

6. Flour

7. Fruit, canned and fresh

8. Honey

9. Meats, canned

10. Milk

11. Peanut butter

12. Pet food

13. Salt

14. Sugar

15. Vegetables, canned and root vegetables

16. Water


17. Batteries

18. Candles

19. Charcoal

20. Coolers

21. Flashlights

22. Gasoline

23. Generators

24. Glow sticks

25. Ice

26. Lamp oil and oil lanterns

27. Lighter fluid

28. Matches

29. Propane, propane stoves


30. Alcohol, drinking

31. Beer

32. Cigarettes

33. Condoms


34. Alcohol, rubbing

35. Antiseptic

36. Aspirin/pain relievers

37. Cold medicine

38. First aid kits


39. Feminine hygiene products

40. Paper plates/napkins

41. Shampoo

42. Soap

43. Toilet paper


44. Baby food/formula

45. Diapers


46. Duct tape

47. Plastic bags

48. Plywood

49. Radios

50. Rope


Source: modernsurvivalblog.com

This is only a Top 50 list, also posted on the Camping Survival blog, of the items that people believe will fly off the shelves first during an emergency or panic. There are plenty of other items that are not listed, but hopefully this will get you thinking about it.

– Tom

Tom Sciacca is a former US Marine, a veteran of the Gulf War, a survival enthusiast and President of CampingSurvival.com.

Ken Jorgustin:
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