Safety Equipment Basics: 8 Items You Will Always Need

Whether you live alone, are walking through a big city, or driving in an unfamiliar area, it is important to always remember safety procedures. Most of the time, actions taken to ensure personal safety fall into the “common sense” category, but there are also several pieces of equipment which are helpful to have on your person at all times.

In the Car

Many car accessories manufacturers sell kits containing a lot of tools that become necessary in the event of an emergency. For example, there are window-breaking hammers which can be mounted to your dashboard. These come in handy when you are trapped underwater or in an overturned vehicle.

Another piece of equipment important to car safety is a fire extinguisher. If your car catches fire, it can move to the fuel or oil lines and cause an explosion. Fire extinguishers remove that possibility.

First aid kits are also important to have at your fingertips. Wounds from car accidents commonly become infected, since most victims do not immediately stop the bleeding or cover the wound. To limit the ill effects of car accidents, first aid kits are a necessary part of your emergency equipment.

On Your Person

Flashlights are always a good thing to have immediately available. Small flashlights that can be connected to your key chain are good to bring around with you wherever you go. Walking along roads with a flashlight will also alert cars to your presence, so they will not accidentally hit you.

Pepper spray or mace is also important to have in case of animal attack or attempted assault. These, like flashlights, come in keychain form and can be easily carried anywhere you need to go.

A pen and paper are surprisingly useful tools in emergencies. You may need to write a note on a car you’ve accidentally backed into, write down your contact information for police or others involved in an accident, or even signal for help with a hastily-scribbled note to a stranger. In these circumstances, you’ll be glad you remembered to bring your pen and paper.

In the Home

Extra batteries are always good to keep in the house. If the power goes out, you’ll be relying on batteries for light and heat. Gallons or bottles of water are also important to have, in case your water turns off in the middle of a disaster. For a long-term water supply, keep a filter or chemical purifier in your home, so you can get clean water from natural sources, if it comes to that.

Always make sure you keep these essential pieces of safety equipment readily available. The world can be a strange, exciting and dangerous place, so be safe out there!

Other useful resources:

Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness)

Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )

Liberty Generator (Easy DIY to build your own off-grid energy source)

Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)

Source: doomsdaymoose.com
Informational Credit to Nutech Safety Ltd

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. Her interests include urban exploration and indoor rock climbing. When not writing, she enjoys reading and baking.

Bio Prepper:

View Comments (1)

  • Of all the items that you have suggested here, extra batteries have always been a necessity for me. And when I am driving, I make sure all basic tools are there inside the car, especially my seat belt cutter and window-breaking hammer. Since our locality is highly prone to road accidents, I know well that it can be a big mistake to take things for granted.
    Last but not least, I can never afford to travel without my personal flashlight when walking to and from work during the dark hours. This helps me stay alert to the presence of other people, animals and parked vehicles around.

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