How To React Immediately After The Nuclear Explosion
A nuclear explosion is one of the most devastatingly catastrophic incidents imaginable. Our normalcy bias prevents most of us from contemplating such a horrific event...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
A nuclear explosion is one of the most devastatingly catastrophic incidents imaginable. Our normalcy bias prevents most of us from contemplating such a horrific event...
There are many ways to determine the direction of north-south-east-west. A compass anyone? If you ever find yourself in a jam during the day without...
Many firearm owners own more than one. Some people own many. If you happen to own more than one handgun, then here is a simple...
Keep an emergency survival kit in your car-truck-vehicle containing items that will help you, as in the following examples:
There are all kinds of needles. The canvas needle in particular is a fairly heavy duty strong needle which could be used for all sorts...
When an expected stranger is scheduled to come into your home, there are some definite precautions that you should take ahead of time to ensure...
Water is THE most important resource for survival. Period. We take it for granted that we will always have a supply of water to drink...
Protecting a portable Shortwave/AM/FM radio from an EMP (electro-magnetic-pulse) is (theoretically) fairly easy, and is a wise course of preventative action to take with a...
Burglars know that shoppers are out shopping during the holiday season, and look for easy targets and vulnerabilities to exploit. Here are a few common-sense...
The benefits of having cocoa in your food preps (and your regular consumption) are many. While advancing your overall food storage inventory, consider supplementing your...
How many of you have electric heat in your home, as opposed to oil or gas heat? Given the winter season, for those of you...
Have you ever made a brine for your turkey? If you’re up to the challenge for this Thanksgiving Day, here’s a recipe to consider. For...
Selecting a comfortable and suitable tent or shelter campsite is a useful skill, regardless of whether you set up camp in a designated camping area...
The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency. The following list is from our friend Tom over at Camping Survival.com, who...
There are countless survival preparedness items (preps) that you can store ahead of time (before potential disaster), for your use during and after the emergency...
If the $hit hits the fan, there are many, many supplies (and know-how) that you will need to survive. In addition to all that, here...