5 Ways To Preserve Milk For Survival And Homesteading
Milk is packed with calcium and protein and is also a necessary ingredient in many recipes. It’s something that you’ll want to have on hand...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Milk is packed with calcium and protein and is also a necessary ingredient in many recipes. It’s something that you’ll want to have on hand...
Growing hydroponically sounds complicated and expensive, but it’s actually neither. All that it means is that you’re growing your plants without soil. I’ve seen examples...
Want to know the best thing about cast iron skillets and pots? They’re practically indestructible and will last literally hundreds of years.
Pioneers no doubt had to make some rough choices about what to take and what to leave behind when they made the voyage west. One...
Maple syrup is delicious, mineral-rich and natural. It’s easy enough to make as long as you live near maple or birch trees and it stores...
Coffee, that dark, heady brew that gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you going throughout the day! Though it’s most certainly...
Old timers used castor oil for everything from colds to parasitical worms, but recent generations have pretty much forgotten about it.
If you’re in the comfort of your kitchen surrounded by wonderful utensils, a ton of spices and foods, and a nice electric or gas stove,...
You’ve probably noticed how shiny your cucumbers, apples, or other smooth produce looks when you buy it. That’s because it’s coated in a wax.
Recently, we’ve been asked a question about what types of foods are good sources of carbohydrates in the winter.
There’s nothing more delicious and versatile than pasta. You can use it to make lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese or simple yet delicious rustic dishes...
It seems like every politician spouts rhetoric about how they support sustainability and promote the use of clean energy, but it’s mostly bunk. In fact,...
You’ve shot the deer, or maybe you’ve butchered a cow or one of the rabbits that you’ve raised. You’ve field dressed it and butchered it,...
Wouldn’t it be great to just reach for a jar and know that all you had to do was add water, juice or broth and...
There are many ways to use herbs and they’re easy to grow even if you live in a small apartment because they’re small enough to...
What would you say if I told you that there were between 12k and 25k different enjoyably edible things on our planet but we only...