The First 3 days after SHTF: Best E.M.P. Survival Guide
Something strange just happened. Your cell phone, MP3, and household electricity have mysteriously shut off at the same time. You go out to your car and attempt...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Something strange just happened. Your cell phone, MP3, and household electricity have mysteriously shut off at the same time. You go out to your car and attempt...
Solar water heaters are probably the most widely used solar product worldwide, especially in Asia and other parts of the developing world it is a...
Jim Rogers joins RT in this newly released video from Agenda NWO and explains the collapse of the US dollar collapse in less than 55...
What would you do if all the lights went out and they never came back on? That is a question that the new NBC series...
The very idea of leaving the security of your home to “bug out” to the woods has never sat well with me – In...
A warning from Anonymous in regards to Martial Law, FEMA camps, RFID Chips, and the complete take over of the world by the Elite. Anonymous...
Ask any “gun guy,” and he’ll not only have an opinion, he’ll have the opinion. Ask any “pistol-packing mama,” and she’ll not only offer an...
As a preparedness-minded person (& chief cook / bottle-washer), I often evaluate foods based on their shelf-life, ability to fill the eater up, adaptability in...
I recently learned an interesting fact about the readiness state of pilots during nuclear war scenarios. Interestingly, at DEFCON 2 (the second highest level), pilots...
This article was originally published at Zero Hedge While the “use of armed [unmanned aircraft systems] is not authorized,” The Washington Times uncovering of a...
At any moment, some disaster could occur that completely changes your life. Whether it be some chain-reaction natural disaster, war breaking out on American soil,...
For thousands of years, man has looked to nature to cure disease. In the last decade particularly, medicinal plants have been catapulted into mainstream culture,...
According to Jim Rogers in this brand new video report from Russia Today, we are now witnessing the historic end of the US dollar as...
Survival is not just about prepping or the amusing antics of a television survivalist. Every day, real people find themselves in situations where comfort, if...
Creating a small backyard farm in can be a rewarding experience for the entire family. In addition to the fun you’ll have while taking care...
Sean Anthony of Flow of Wisdom radio discusses the very real threat of an EMP attack upon America and the threats humanity face due to...