Just Like Doxycycline: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard
There has been plenty of concern in recent years with the overuse of antibiotics, and the risks that overusing them can bring, even to a...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
There has been plenty of concern in recent years with the overuse of antibiotics, and the risks that overusing them can bring, even to a...
This article was written by Daniel Barker and originally published at Natural News.com. Editor’s Comment: Hard times are driving Americans back to thoughts about traditional...
You worked hard in your garden. You butchered your own meat. Then you went through the labor-intensive, time-consuming process of canning it, but how can...
You live in a world where so-called modern wonder drugs, laboratories, and equipment have obscured more “primitive” yet highly effective types of medicine involving determination,...
It is important to understand that there’s an enormous amount of skills that every prepper should know and if there’s a skill that didn’t make...
Chronic pain is an issue for many people, especially as you age or if you’ve sustained an injury. It also doesn’t help that doctors prescribe...
Have you heard the news? The Army has an offer for those of you who are particularly brave. You no longer have to join the...
FOUND EVERYWHERE … Medicinal plants may be right under your feet. They may be in your backyard and all around at a local park. North...
Beautiful to look at in full bloom, the sunny orange calendula – also known as marigold – has a wealth of herbal uses that are...
In his article The Strategic Advantages Of Community Building Brandon Smith wrote “community networking is our best available solution in the wake of inevitable economic chaos.”
One of the big challenges for retiring today is being able to afford retirement. Many of us are in the difficult position of not having...
From injury to disease, pain is a very common ailment or symptom that can take down the toughest of the tough. It’s so prevalent that...
Today’s article details Lomatium, the most powerful herb in North America for use as an antiviral or antibiotic.
Plantain, not to be confused with the banana type fruit, also called Plantain, is a plant which can be found almost anywhere. In fact, if...
What do you do in an emergency situation when no doctor is available? Unfortunately, we sometimes find ourselves in these situations. The problem compounds under...
A hundred years ago 70% of all medicines were made from plants. Most of them are still being used today, but only a few people...