10 Things Everyone Will Be Looking For After The SHTF
If you’ve been prepping for more than, say, a day, you know to stockpile things like food, water, and first aid supplies. That’s the easy...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
If you’ve been prepping for more than, say, a day, you know to stockpile things like food, water, and first aid supplies. That’s the easy...
The saying is true that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. We recently had a yard sale and it’s amazing to see how people...
Week after week I’m amazed at all of the uses for common household product. This list contains a lot of the uses that were used...
When you make your preps for a long term survival situation, you want to make sure you cover the basics: Water– check Food– check Shelter–...
Many of so-called long term storage foods can really be stored for about six months before they go bad. So in my opinion your food...
If there is one thing that you cannot live without, it is fresh water. Just try it some time. Seriously – try to live for...
There comes a point in the analysis of any problem when its escalation turns so blatantly obvious that the disaster is self-explanatory. The economic crisis...
Preparing for a disaster, what makes the best survival foods for an emergency? The Top 10 Survival Foods … When All Hell Breaks Loose. The top foods to stockpile...
“Let it all burn to the ground! I’ll be up in the hills with my survival group, two years’ worth of food and a ton of...
Part of preparing is acquiring adequate supplies to survive an emergency, but an equally important part is making the most of the supplies you already...
It’s finally happened… The worst has occurred. The grid has gone down. The balloon has gone up. While you were one of the “smart ones”...
Use this information as a jump start for you to continue research in this area. Then take it a step further and create plans for...
The US Government Is Prepping For Unlikely Events Your run of the mill prepper is likely stocking up on food, water, SHTF gear, guns and...
A friend of mine (from one of my jobs) and I have discussed disaster preparedness several times over the last few years. A few weeks...
As the biggest storm in five years took aim at California this week cities across the state distributed sandbags, cancelled school and warned residents to...
It seems like everyone knows that a financial collapse is coming. The only real question is when it’s going to get here. The Fed is...