Why Should You be Prepping
You may have noticed that everyone seems to be talking about prepping, doomsday, or zombies. Well, when people do this, it is a sign that...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
You may have noticed that everyone seems to be talking about prepping, doomsday, or zombies. Well, when people do this, it is a sign that...
It’s one thing to recognize the wisdom of setting supplies by for a potential disaster, another entirely to spend so much of your hard earned...
Most of us have the basics covered; food, water, weapons and ammo, but are there any holes in your plan? The answer is yes—there are...
There’s a sense of urgency in the prepping community lately that is at an all time high. Between the global elite warmongers, the impending financial collapse as...
Many people are now waking up to the possibility that the future may not provide the great recovery we all expect it to be. They...
An important part of a long term food storage plan and/or a portion of one’s overall gardening plan are beans & legumes. The bare minimum...
Beans. Bullets. Band-aids. That’s the on alliteration that many people in the prepper community use to refer to the three main components of a good...
I don’t think the average person realizes how much they utilize milk and dairy products. If you don’t own a milk cow or goat, in...
After a complete SHTF breakdown of modern civilization, there are essential preps which will help you survive a new world in which survival will hinge...
Stop Borrowing. Stop the bleeding. Regardless of your current debt, you must (I mean, must) stop sinking further in debt. You will not be able...
There’s a ton of survival tips and tricks out there that focus on lists of junk you don’t need and forget about the small things....
For several years now, many economic forecasters and trenders have warned the general public of a looming economic collapse – all we needed was a...
Does this sound familiar? You’re talking to a friend or family member who isn’t on board with preparedness. (And it’s even worse when they think...
When the need to prepare for an uncertain future becomes a pressing reality for the new prepper, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are so...
So, your main concern and reason for prepping and preparing to ‘make it’ when times get tough, is because of the threatening economic situation (house...
The first gun I ever shot was a double-barrel shotgun. I was 15 years old and my best friend’s older brother had set up two...