Today’s article details Lomatium, the most powerful herb in North America for use as an antiviral or antibiotic.
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Today’s article details Lomatium, the most powerful herb in North America for use as an antiviral or antibiotic.
If you’re a chicken farmer, you may already know that chickens actually thrive in colder temperatures, as they’re designed with a unique ability. They are...
Morningchores.com Have you ever stopped to think what people did long before refrigeration? I’ve already touched the subject on how to live without refrigeration, but...
Building your stockpiles is only part of the equation for survival. Once you have items stored up, you also must protect them all year long.
Native Americans are renowned for their medicinal plants knowledge. It is rumored they first started using plants and herbs for healing after watching animals eat...
Pioneer life has a special meaning in America. In less than 300 years, civilization spread across a vast continental wilderness.
A hundred years ago 70% of all medicines were made from plants. Most of them are still being used today, but only a few people...
Love the taste of venison? I sure do. There’s almost nothing that compares to freshly prepared deer meat after a long hunt. But in order...
For some people, homesteading is scary. You have to deal with animals, plants, and a whole new different lifestyle. Well, one thing I’m learning...
One of the best bartering products when SHTF is undoubtedly going to be sugar. It will also be a great product to have in order...
Have you ever been sipping a cold one and wondered to yourself, “Self, what would happen if there suddenly was no more beer manufacturers? Can...
As temperatures warm up, there is a natural tendency to look for ways to keep outdoor lunches cool, or even store other items without spending...
You cannot imagine how comforting it is to have fresh produce in hard times. But sometimes your garden just isn’t ready when you need it, or your...
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how to preserve meat without a refrigerator and have completely forgotten how our grandfathers preserved their proteins. If you are stranded in the...
This isn’t necessarily a topic for the faint of heart, but slaughtering and butchering is part and parcel of being at the top of...
Mine was truly a lovely childhood. I grew up on salt pork that was stored hanged in our root cellar. Almost anything in our pantry...