10 Wild Plants You Can Eat (+5 You Shouldn’t!)
Is harvesting wild plants part of your survival plan? There are plenty of edible plants growing, but there are also plenty of deadly ones.
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Is harvesting wild plants part of your survival plan? There are plenty of edible plants growing, but there are also plenty of deadly ones.
The most important thing you should know about antibiotics! Never expect a doctor to phone-in a prescription for an antibiotic without seeing you first. Why?...
There are actually a lot of different types of energy sources to tap into after a disaster strikes. One of the major differences is that...
Well on my adventure to find the “perfect” picture of what the Union soldiers called Skillygalee I came up empty. As this has never happened...
Many people are surprised to find out that “superfoods” suitable for managing both small and large scale crisis situations are inexpensive and easy to make.
It is your body’s way of telling you that something is amiss — pain, and for many people, the chronic variety that only the constant...
Can you imagine dying from a cut on your finger or a scrape on your knee? How about a respiratory infection or a toothache? Before...
In life and prepping some things just make too much sense. When I first caught wind of the Earthbag I thought of a weak and...
Salt is a valuable commodity that could become hard to come by in a long term disaster situation. In Ancient Rome, salt was used as...
Most preppers have some kind of plan for an emergency power source after the SHTF. It might be a generator, wind turbine or solar panels....
There has been plenty of concern in recent years with the overuse of antibiotics, and the risks that overusing them can bring, even to a...
This article was written by Daniel Barker and originally published at Natural News.com. Editor’s Comment: Hard times are driving Americans back to thoughts about traditional...
You live in a world where so-called modern wonder drugs, laboratories, and equipment have obscured more “primitive” yet highly effective types of medicine involving determination,...
It is important to understand that there’s an enormous amount of skills that every prepper should know and if there’s a skill that didn’t make...
Chronic pain is an issue for many people, especially as you age or if you’ve sustained an injury. It also doesn’t help that doctors prescribe...
In his article The Strategic Advantages Of Community Building Brandon Smith wrote “community networking is our best available solution in the wake of inevitable economic chaos.”