Survival Tip: How To Start a Fire With a Water Bottle
If you’re lost in the wilderness and have a clear plastic bottle of water, you can start a fire by using it as a makeshift...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
If you’re lost in the wilderness and have a clear plastic bottle of water, you can start a fire by using it as a makeshift...
How prepared are you to survive a few days in the frozen wilderness with only the supplies you have in your vehicle? A family of...
Burglars know that shoppers are out shopping during the holiday season, and look for easy targets and vulnerabilities to exploit. Here are a few common-sense...
MONEY Where are you going to go without money? Unless you’re planning on bugging out to the wilderness in Alaska or some other wild frontier...
This is eight double rounds [.45 ACP] with the Arsenal Firearms 2011 Second Century Double Barrel Pistol…in other words, it is 4000 grains of payload...
Special Note: Obviously, an entire book could be written on this subject, which is a task beyond the scope of this article. The purpose...
What if electrical power in the home was only for rich people? What about heat? What about running water? What if that divide between the...
As of today it is estimated that ONLY 1% of the population actually goes to much of any effort to prepare and store up enough...
by Guest Contributor This article acts as a comprehensive guide to batoning. Be sure to pay close attention to the last two sections (the one...
The next great economic crisis is rapidly approaching, and most people are going to be totally blindsided by it. Even though the warning signs are...
In any type of disaster, your normal means of communication will likely be limited or severed completely. This applies during a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or...
This article was originally posted at www.rethinksurvival.com I’ll admit it, I’m a huge fan of the ubiquitous 2-liter soda bottles. And like 5-gallon buckets, I think they’re...
In thinking about preparing your family for survival after a disaster or emergency situation you can’t forget to consider their health. Your family’s health is...
A core concept of survival in just about any situation is the rule of threes. If you don’t know this rule it is that you...
How many of you have electric heat in your home, as opposed to oil or gas heat? Given the winter season, for those of you...
Since the premiere of National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers season three episode ‘We are the Marauders’ there has been a lot of discussion on various blogs...