6 Totally Insane Things That Will Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down
Imagine if you will, what would happen if you pulled an American family from the 19th century, and plopped them in the middle of downtown...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Imagine if you will, what would happen if you pulled an American family from the 19th century, and plopped them in the middle of downtown...
Growing hydroponically sounds complicated and expensive, but it’s actually neither. All that it means is that you’re growing your plants without soil. I’ve seen examples...
Having a handgun or two (or several in the case of guns enthusiasts) around the house is far from being a bad idea.
Whether we’re talking about off-grid survival or just having the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of living in the 21st century in our cabin in...
One of the best and tastiest ways to conserve meat is to smoke it. The meat is delicious, and if you keep it in a...
Want to know the best thing about cast iron skillets and pots? They’re practically indestructible and will last literally hundreds of years.
Without access to hospitals and emergency medical care during off-grid emergencies, a simple infection from wounds can become life-threatening. Having knowledge of alternative medical treatments...
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how to preserve meat without a refrigerator and have completely forgotten how our grandfathers preserved their proteins. If you are stranded in...
Often my grandmother’s remedies worked faster and more effectively than conventional treatments. These lost remedies can treat and improve a variety of conditions.
Pioneers no doubt had to make some rough choices about what to take and what to leave behind when they made the voyage west. One...
I personally am a firm believer and a strong advocate of the phrase “doing things by the book”, and I absolutely stand by this on...
Let’s admit it; we don’t know what is going to happen in our lives. And with what will happen it has monetary equivalent or requires...
The financial status of the US is concerning and things aren’t looking too good; but you already knew that. The economy in 2016 can be...
I know, we’re living in the age of drones and wireless internet, we have a space program and ICBM’s, we landed on Mars, we have...
Today the USA is the world’s economic and industrial superpower, but it hasn’t always been like that. In fact compared with some other countries, like...
Maple syrup is delicious, mineral-rich and natural. It’s easy enough to make as long as you live near maple or birch trees and it stores...