How To Use A Knife In A Fight (Step by Step Guide)
Most people don’t walk around with the weapons they feel most comfortable with on their body. For instance, walking around with a rifle or a...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Most people don’t walk around with the weapons they feel most comfortable with on their body. For instance, walking around with a rifle or a...
The admission that the economy is so weak that it needs more QE is going to destroy the narrative that the U.S. economy is in...
Forget stocking for that two-week event, it’s not that difficult. The hard part is stocking for the total paradigm shift, that few remember how to...
There’s nothing more delicious and versatile than pasta. You can use it to make lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese or simple yet delicious rustic dishes...
Suffice to say, though children are at play, this is not a game. Those who have been toying with outright war against Russia, and an...
What are the best wild edibles that you can find and identify easily in an emergency that may be growing nearby and all around you?...
It seems like every politician spouts rhetoric about how they support sustainability and promote the use of clean energy, but it’s mostly bunk. In fact,...
If you begin prepping for a SHTF event and a good stockpile is on your list of preps, it will quickly become evident just how many different...
Real trading will be based On ‘long term’ items. Seeds, not food. Arrows, not ammo. Tools, not filters. See, once the ‘short duration expendables’ are...
Joel Skousen, one of the world’s foremost experts on home security, retreat preparedness and strategic relocation, says that no preparedness plan is complete unless you’ve...
We’re going to delve in the exciting and fascinating world of herbal tinctures. There are many reasons for making tinctures. The foremost are:
You’ve shot the deer, or maybe you’ve butchered a cow or one of the rabbits that you’ve raised. You’ve field dressed it and butchered it,...
It can be argued that making a Bug out Plan is as/or even more important than having a Bug out Bag packed, as one can escape...
A big economic crash, government failure, or other widespread society melt down is definitely coming. In the middle of this catastrophe, money in the bank, gold...
This article was written by Anna Hunt and originally published at Offgrid Outpost.com.
For hundreds of years, maybe even longer, our grannies and grandfathers relied on simple household items to heal. For that purpose, they picked different natural antibiotics,...