Good Old Fashioned Cooking on an Open Flame: 10 Dutch Oven Recipes From The Pioneers
Though the pioneer women were used to cooking, doing so on an open flame was not something they knew how to do.
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Though the pioneer women were used to cooking, doing so on an open flame was not something they knew how to do.
Have you ever thought about how fragile the US power grid is? And how would you survive if the power grid went down? What would...
Invented by the natives of North America, pemmican was used by Indian scouts as well as early western explorers.
If you begin prepping for TEOTWAWKI, and a good stockpile is on your list of preps, it will quickly become evident just how many different...
This information has been made available by Ready Nutrition
There are many ways to use herbs and they’re easy to grow even if you live in a small apartment because they’re small enough to...
The Great Depression caused many hardships, but the cuisine of the time certainly didn’t suffer!
A big economic crash, government failure, or other widespread society melt down is definitely coming.
What would you say if I told you that there were between 12k and 25k different enjoyably edible things on our planet but we only...
Pioneer life has a special meaning in America. In less than 300 years, civilization spread across a vast continental wilderness.
Food and survival are symbiotic things, I mean, you can’t think about surviving without food, water and shelter, right?
Editor’s Comment: It isn’t just that most people aren’t prepared to live off the land, it is that the system wants to force you to...
Pioneers didn’t have much, but what they did have they made the best of. At first, the settlers favoured the customary foods and recipes from...
Living without power, mini-marts, cars, electronics or running water may seem like a nightmare scenario but to pioneers it was just the way life was.
Settlers relied on “ granny medicine ” or home remedies passed from mother to daughter over the years.
Before refrigeration people relied on salt and smoke to preserve their meat. Most people lived on family farms and the “smoke house” was as familiar...