SHTF – What’s Your Plan B for Surviving SHTF?
Do you have a backup plan (Plan B) for when your preps go up in smoke? When everything fails, and everything goes wrong fast? When...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Do you have a backup plan (Plan B) for when your preps go up in smoke? When everything fails, and everything goes wrong fast? When...
I wouldn’t say that it is “never too late” to prepare for potential disaster because, obviously, the numerous economic and social catastrophes of the past...
The best time to leave for your bug out location is just before a major crisis occurs. But all of your carefully made plans and...
If you are planning to bug out to a remote location, you probably think about building a permanent home that will remain unnoticed and able to withstand...
The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of...
It is an age of vast inequality, and those who stand out, or stand above, are finding places to lay low. With any number of...
Theoretically, space and the orbit around Earth is a peaceful place, and the world wants to keep it that way. But in practicality, it is...
What are you going to do if someday you lose your home in a large-scale disaster of some sort and you have to build a...
Zombies are not really going to be an issue – most likely. However, a big economic crash, government failure, or other widespread society melt down...
It’s the end of the world These days it’s impossible to avoid talk of the apocalypse. YouTube offers hundreds of thousands of clips that warn...
Despite all the scary scenarios, staying and defending your home during a crisis is probably the most reasonable course of action. Staying in the city...
There is something that everyone who has taken any kind of survival training has had drummed into his or her head, it’s called the Rule...
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his End of the American Dream blog. Editor’s Note: The events in Greece and...
When SHTF and today conveniences will no longer be available we will turn back to what our grandfathers use to do to solve different problems....
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse blog. Editor’s Comment: These are indeed dangerous times. Those, like Michael...
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse blog. Editor’s Comment: Well, unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists have been proven...