Importance of Sanitation after SHTF
In thinking about preparing your family for survival after a disaster or emergency situation you can’t forget to consider their health. Your family’s health is...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
In thinking about preparing your family for survival after a disaster or emergency situation you can’t forget to consider their health. Your family’s health is...
A core concept of survival in just about any situation is the rule of threes. If you don’t know this rule it is that you...
How many of you have electric heat in your home, as opposed to oil or gas heat? Given the winter season, for those of you...
Since the premiere of National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers season three episode ‘We are the Marauders’ there has been a lot of discussion on various blogs...
Selecting a comfortable and suitable tent or shelter campsite is a useful skill, regardless of whether you set up camp in a designated camping area...
Modern duct tape, the kind easy to tear by hand yet strong and moisture resistant, was developed for use by the US Army in...
There are countless survival preparedness items (preps) that you can store ahead of time (before potential disaster), for your use during and after the emergency...
If you have as one of your concerns a total collapse in society regardless of the reason, there are people out there who will tell...
Although we do not know if or who will have a bad winter this year, the time is now to start preparing for...
Rocket stoves burn very hot, are energy efficient using little biomass and are almost smokeless – significant advantages for conserving wood, cooking efficiently and preventing...
If you are considering some level of disaster preparedness for yourself or your family then this article may provide some insights so that you might...
What are cast bullets and how are they used, and why would we do that? Center fire ammo is composed of 4 elements. A bullet...
Accidents are the leading cause of death among U.S. men 18 to 50 years old, accounting for 37,000 of the roughly 148,000 annual fatalities. Some...
If you do find yourself in the wilderness and need food, there are a lot of ways to fill the plate for dinner. Now, I...
This article contributed by the Great Northern Prepper Emergency Childbirth Preparedness As preppers we gather materials and learn skills to help us and those around...
Ok, so there might not be a “best” type of fish to use in aquaponics but there are certainly some common types that are popular.