Video: How the Next Economic Collapse Unfolds: ‘This Is How They’ll Press The Reset Button’
The data keeps pouring in. The U.S. economy is in trouble. All of the official statistics like job growth and economic recovery are based on...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
The data keeps pouring in. The U.S. economy is in trouble. All of the official statistics like job growth and economic recovery are based on...
You never know when you will have to prepare your home for an emergency like a hurricane or an earthquake. Unfortunately, those things can’t be...
There is an unprecedented reset coming to world financial markets and if you’ve been paying attention it’s impossible to ignore the signs. In fact mega-investment funds,...
Jeremiah Johnson is a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne) and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance...
We sometimes amuse ourselves reading properties for sale advertisements that describe themselves as being prepper properties. We particularly like looking at the dwelling structures –...
Should the world as we know it ever fall apart as a result of an economic collapse, a massive natural disaster, cyber attack or widespread...
The Super-EMP weapon exists, and we apparently know that at least Russia, N.Korea, and China have them. Perhaps others? Are Iran’s nuclear centrifuges (apparently thousands...
Given the recent nuclear threats from North Korea directed at the United States, the satellite orbital map shown above indicates the track of the KMS...
Where will you go for fuel, supplies, water, weapons and food after your own supplies run out?Here are 10 places you might not know exist...
This article is the first in a series that covers hardening your home and some easy, low-budget alternatives for early-warning systems and fortifications. For all...
When putting together a survival kit, everyone knows to include food, water and some kind of shelter. But besides waterproof matches, iodine tablets and a...
It can be easy to avoid preparing for an emergency when a disaster has not occurred for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, it can...
If you could live anywhere in America during the tumultuous years ahead, where would it be? This is a topic that is hotly debated, and...
In America every year close to 1000 people die by drowning in a submerged car.And don’t think you have to go suddenly skidding off the...
The potential for a devastating EMP resulting from a massive solar event, or a man made weapon, is well known and, increasingly, being taken seriously...
You might be thinking, hey, I’ve got this one covered! I’ve survived lots of power outages. If that is your thought process, you could not...