How The State Will Strip You Of Your Rights When SHTF
Editor’s note: This article was written by Maybell Nieves, a professional physician and oncologic breast surgeon from Venezuela. Dealing with this subject has been quite difficult...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Editor’s note: This article was written by Maybell Nieves, a professional physician and oncologic breast surgeon from Venezuela. Dealing with this subject has been quite difficult...
Forward thinkers are always ostracized. It has been that way throughout history. Preppers are no different. We just ought to be thankful we are not...
Every prepper’s pantry has canned food in it. It’s the first line of defense against starvation in a disaster scenario. While canned foods shouldn’t make...
By now everybody realizes that in cataclysmic SHTF event the number one ‘culture shock’ moment for unprepared crybabies will be no more electricity!
A concealed carry firearm is the definitive self-defense asset. When carried and used properly, they provide an effective deterrent against dangerous wildlife and dangerous people.
Plantain is an amazing plant likely found in your garden. We are not talking about that greenish type of banana but a green plant found...
Some things are annoying or painful but don’t necessarily warrant a trip to the doctor’s office. It could also be that, because of some disaster...
Finding safe, effective painkillers and sedatives can be a complicated task. When it comes to finding plants that can achieve these goals, you will find...
Get any group of preppers together to talk about potential TEOTWAWKI events, and EMP is bound to come up. Of all the possible disaster scenarios...
I’m going to share with you the strange story of one of the greatest healers who has ever lived. Through this story, you’ll discover how you can...
Whether you are looking for a long-term food storage solution to become self-sufficient, save money, or want an abundance of home-produce to last until you...
The best state for homesteading depends on many things and may not be the same for everyone. Every state has pros and cons, so which...
This article was originally published by Mahatma Muhjesbude on www.survivopedia.com It’s no doubt that misery, indeed, loves company. When you think about it, what else is there...
By Francesca Singer Planting and maintaining a healthy vegetable garden is a cornerstone of food independence. One mistake rookie gardeners often make is putting the...
As you can see, Common Mullein has many more uses than emergency roadside TP. Take a look…Ever been caught in the woods with nature calling you...
The best state for homesteading depends on many things and may not be the same for everyone. Every state has pros and cons, so which...