Preppers: You only Rise To The Level Of Your Training
There are certain realities that some Preppers and others may not be dealing with or refuse to deal with. One reality that everyone needs to...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
There are certain realities that some Preppers and others may not be dealing with or refuse to deal with. One reality that everyone needs to...
Ever been caught in the woods with nature calling you to a squatty position? If you forgot the Charmin, you’d still be a happy camper with Cowboy Toilet...
You have been preparing for the unknown– economic collapse, social unrest, nuclear war, or even just a downsize at work– for quite awhile now. Perhaps...
Whether you find yourself stranded in a hostile environment, or you’re facing a long term collapse of the grid, you’ve got to learn how to...
A few years ago a storm flooded the local water treatment facility leaving me and all my neighbors without water for several weeks. Partially motivated...
In the technological world we live in it is very easy to lose that capacity in a severe disaster. Our ability to use technology to...
Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog.com interviews John Williams from Shadowstats to discern what exactly would happen if Russia follows through with its threat to dump U.S. Treasury Bond holdings in...
For those of us in the liberty movement, it is now impossible to ignore the potential threat to our economy. No longer can people claim...
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee held a hearing about the potential impact of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb over America.
Rise of the Warrior Cop Regardless of how people feel about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff with the federal Bureau of Land Management over his cattle’s grazing...
The following video clip of Rick Santelli (an editor for the CNBC Business News network) is telling in that he slams America’s ‘Debt-Is-Wealth’ mentality during...
Native Americans are, perhaps, the best example on the planet of a people who lived solely off the land while protecting it for future generations....
The basic necessities of life—those things we all take for granted every day, are always what becomes most important to us when faced with a...
When putting together a survival kit, everyone knows to include food, water and some kind of shelter. But besides waterproof matches, iodine tablets and a...
With Russia, China and the BRICS nations now completely abandoning the US dollar as shared in this newly released video report from The Money GPS ~...
The demise of the dollar has been accelerated by the actions of the US government and Dave from X22Report delves into the reasons behind it,...