When Prepping Just Isn’t Enough
There’s a sense of urgency in the prepping community lately that is at an all time high. Between the global elite warmongers, the impending financial collapse as...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
There’s a sense of urgency in the prepping community lately that is at an all time high. Between the global elite warmongers, the impending financial collapse as...
Psst. I’m gonna share a little secret with you… I think we’re in an economic depression. Don’t believe me? Consider the fact that more than 100 million Americans are...
Over the course of the last years, since the disastrous launch of health care exchanges mandated under the new Patient Affordable Care Act, we have...
They will take everything if you don’t stop them. At first glance a statement like this brings up thoughts of the government coming for all...
I have become personally so disenchanted with the way people fail to prep. People still don’t understand how important it is to put away. I...
Gerald Celente, publisher and founder of the Trends Research Journal and avowed political atheist, speaks with WLW radio on April 30th. Based on the latest,...
Many people are now waking up to the possibility that the future may not provide the great recovery we all expect it to be. They...
1. Cash is King Now is a great time to put aside some emergency cash in your home. You won’t be earning interest on it...
1. Arm Yourself When the SHTF (sh*t hits the fan), people will become desperate bold and unpredictable. Being able to defend your family and home should...
The current world is at its peak as far as consumption is concerned. With our finite resources, it’s time we begin exploring alternatives. Biodiesel is...
Anyone knows, who has half of an eye open, that American citizens are soon to become an endangered species under our present lunatic President. Everyone...
A mans home may be his castle… but that doesn’t mean your home is a castle… Where once a moat and 3 feet of solid...
Well just for a change we have had some decent weather here in the UK so I have been able to move the garden on...
“How far have we walked?” “I dunno know… But that tree looks awfully familiar!” Have you ever wondered while out wandering in the wilderness how...
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Imagine, you’re in the exciting new 21st century. Civilization still exists on Planet Earth. Wall Street’s still in business....
It has been said that knowledge is power, and that applies to any area in life. Of course, it is important to arm and...