Survival of women during SHTF
JL is a female member of my survival course and she asked a lot of woman specific questions about my SHTF experience. I decided to...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
JL is a female member of my survival course and she asked a lot of woman specific questions about my SHTF experience. I decided to...
It is crucial to understand when SHTF starts. I think it is one of the most important things, to recognize that, in some cases it...
In a SHTF event, chances are that you will not be able to rely on your fridge to preserve your food as usual. People can...
Storing medical supplies, especially antiseptic is a must when planning for an emergency event where hospitals and other types of medical care will be difficult...
At last count, there are eight countries in the world that have officially designed, developed and tested nuclear weapons. Another two (Israel and Iran) deny...
You have been a good Prepper, busily storing supplies, learning skills and taking steps to make sure your family is prepared for bumps in the...
It’s that time of year again folks! Time to break out the winter gloves, warm coats, toboggans and scarfs because old man winter is coming....
If you’re lost in the wilderness and have a clear plastic bottle of water, you can start a fire by using it as a makeshift...
How prepared are you to survive a few days in the frozen wilderness with only the supplies you have in your vehicle? A family of...
Burglars know that shoppers are out shopping during the holiday season, and look for easy targets and vulnerabilities to exploit. Here are a few common-sense...
MONEY Where are you going to go without money? Unless you’re planning on bugging out to the wilderness in Alaska or some other wild frontier...
This is one of the best and most convenient fire starters that I’ve come across in a long time. Many of us know that cotton...
For ages, cow’s excreta traditionally has been used as manure in the fields, but they are also a source of viable energy biogas, which is...
In his article The Strategic Advantages Of Community Building Brandon Smith wrote “community networking is our best available solution in the wake of inevitable economic...
This is eight double rounds [.45 ACP] with the Arsenal Firearms 2011 Second Century Double Barrel Pistol…in other words, it is 4000 grains of payload...
A common question when preppers begin the process of accumulating supplies and knowledge is How much ammo do I need for SHTF? Of course, if...