The Threat Is Real: Billion Dollar NASA Mission To Study Blackout Risks to Power Grid
The potential for a devastating EMP resulting from a massive solar event, or a man made weapon, is well known and, increasingly, being taken seriously...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
The potential for a devastating EMP resulting from a massive solar event, or a man made weapon, is well known and, increasingly, being taken seriously...
There are few things that could revert our modern day civilization back to the Stone Age. Most of them are naturally occurring events such as...
Did you know that a storm 14 times larger than the Earth is happening on the sun right now? Earlier this week, it unleashed...
Like millions of others on Sunday night, I plopped down in front of the TV to watch National Geographic’s American Blackout. I was curious to...
The next big blackout of the power grid is a big concern for all of us. I found this great article about this very topic...
In just the last twelve months Congressional members and top level administrators at the Department of Homeland Security have warned of threats to the national...
The 21st Century is full of uncertainties. The evil of man, mother nature or God can throw any disaster towards us and at any point...
If nine key substations are knocked out, the U.S. could suffer a crippling coast-to-coast blackout for 18 months — or more.The possibility of a terrorist...
We offer this report to you not as an example of how the world as we know it might end, but just as another example...
Any nuclear detonation above 25 miles will cause a high altitude EMP (electromagnetic pulse).A nuclear weapon detonated at an altitude of 200 miles could affect...
Oh, for the good old days when all you worried about was perhaps getting a pay raise or the size of your medical insurance co-pay....
Scientists say an extreme solar flare is heading its way to the Earth, which may disrupt communications equipment and power grids, but exactly which...
Even though we’ve all seen the effects of solar flares and their ability to knock out electricity and communications, some do not believe that an...
The rectangles represent active war game zones. In U.S. military history, this massive of a war game is unprecedented both in length and scope.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee held a hearing about the potential impact of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb over America.
Four days before Halloween, on Sunday morning, October 27, 2013, terrorists in Mexico’s Michoacan state blacked out the electric grid, leaving some 420,000 powerless and...