Move with a purpose: Patrolling techniques you need to know before SHTF
If you’ve ever been in the military, and especially the Army or the Marine Corps, then you’ve been taught basic infantry tactics.
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
If you’ve ever been in the military, and especially the Army or the Marine Corps, then you’ve been taught basic infantry tactics.
There’s no other way to put it. The system as we know it will collapse. This, argues Karl Denninger of the Market Ticker, is a...
This article was originally published by the Super Station 95 newsroom. As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent,
The following video clip of Rick Santelli (an editor for the CNBC Business News network) is telling in that he slams America’s ‘Debt-Is-Wealth’ mentality during...
If you’ve never heard of or read a report from John Williams, then today is your (un)lucky day. Mr. Williams’, founder of Shadow Stats, is...
The United States dollar is of course, a piece of paper. While it is a medium of currency used for exchange between labor, services, products...
Well known investor Jim Rogers, who made his fortune during the 1970′s crisis by investing in commodities like precious metals, has long-warned about the calamity...
How should people prepare for the difficult years that are coming? I get asked about that a lot. Once people really examine the facts, it...
Diseases come and diseases go…rather like fashions, but with diseases it’s the general conditions prevailing at the time that denotes what gets a foothold and...
It’s not too difficult to understand that we are well on our way to a paradigm shift in America; in fact we’re in the midst...