Top 20 Low-Cost DIY Gardening Projects Made With PVC Pipes
Not just for construction purpose, PVC pipes can be used for a variety of purposes. As it is sturdy, waterproof, inexpensive and easy to get,...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Not just for construction purpose, PVC pipes can be used for a variety of purposes. As it is sturdy, waterproof, inexpensive and easy to get,...
Without you wanting to, you get trapped in an island or in some place completely deserted and far from civilization. No store where you can...
As preppers we know that plastic bottles have a ton of uses beyond just holding soda. In today’s article we’ll take a look at 8...
A few years ago a storm flooded the local water treatment facility leaving me and all my neighbors without water for several weeks. Partially motivated...
As temperatures warm up, there is a natural tendency to look for ways to keep outdoor lunches cool, or even store other items without spending...
Make this fire piston for about 1 dollar, a bit more if you have to buy the plastic but still very cheap to make. This fire...
The current world is at its peak as far as consumption is concerned. With our finite resources, it’s time we begin exploring alternatives. Biodiesel is...
Hand warmers can set you back anything from a few bucks to over 10 bucks! Stop spending all that money when you can make your...
Prepping can be a pretty expensive venture, which is why any time you can prepare on the cheap without sacrificing quality; it’s a good thing....
This is one of the best and most convenient fire starters that I’ve come across in a long time. Many of us know that cotton...
This video shows you how to make a simple and very inexpensive tabletop forge from a soup can and a plaster lining. The forge runs off...
Anyone that has ever picked up a survival book has undoubtedly come across the ubiquitous figure 4 dead-fall. It has pretty much become the main...
Rocket stoves burn very hot, are energy efficient using little biomass and are almost smokeless – significant advantages for conserving wood, cooking efficiently and preventing...
Other helpful videos: Home defense (Bulletproof your home) Alternative power generator DIY Family Survival Course DIY Aquaponic System (this is the best and cheapest...
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to do something but you did not have the right tool or gizmo to get...
From time to time I need to repair equipment and clothing while outdoors. Finding the right tools in nature is like searching for the illusive...