The States with the Most Medicinal Plants. Do You Live in One of Them?
According to the State of the Worlds Plants Report 2017, there are at least 28,187 plants that are recognized as medicinal. However, we use only...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
According to the State of the Worlds Plants Report 2017, there are at least 28,187 plants that are recognized as medicinal. However, we use only...
We’ve discussed natural remedies for a number of ailments in other articles but we haven’t really touched on substitutions for specific medications. Today, we’re going to talk...
Is harvesting wild plants part of your survival plan? There are plenty of edible plants growing, but there are also plenty of deadly ones.
Native Americans are renowned for their medicinal plants knowledge. It is rumored they first started using plants and herbs for healing after watching animals eat...
For thousands of years, man has looked to nature to cure disease. In the last decade particularly, medicinal plants have been catapulted into mainstream culture,...
As preppers we should seek to become more self-reliant. Producing/growing your own medicine is another way to do that. I have four medicinal plants anyone...