Best Off-grid Power For A Wilderness Retreat
By now everybody realizes that in cataclysmic SHTF event the number one ‘culture shock’ moment for unprepared crybabies will be no more electricity!
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
By now everybody realizes that in cataclysmic SHTF event the number one ‘culture shock’ moment for unprepared crybabies will be no more electricity!
Taking the plunge to live “off the grid” is becoming a very popular trend for preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders alike. Whether the reason is to...
Though there are many different methods of preparing meat for long-term storage, without a doubt, canning it is the easiest way to store large quantities of...
As temperatures warm up, there is a natural tendency to look for ways to keep outdoor lunches cool, or even store other items without spending...
Off griders and homesteaders need tools! Period. Hand tools, power tools, and equipment all make off grid living easier and more productive.
Whether we’re talking about off-grid survival or just having the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of living in the 21st century in our cabin in...
If you’re in the comfort of your kitchen surrounded by wonderful utensils, a ton of spices and foods, and a nice electric or gas stove,...
It seems like every politician spouts rhetoric about how they support sustainability and promote the use of clean energy, but it’s mostly bunk. In fact,...
What are you going to do if someday you lose your home in a large-scale disaster of some sort and you have to build a...
There are people alive today that may very well have grown up in homes without electricity, without lights and heating the home depended on how...
It is a fact that our entire way of life is dependent upon gadgets of convenience and being tied to the grid. The grid supplies...