Raising Guinea Fowl: All You Need to Know to Do It Right
Have you ever considered raising your own guinea fowl? Maybe you think their ‘chi-chi-chi’ is so annoying you don’t think you could take it.
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Have you ever considered raising your own guinea fowl? Maybe you think their ‘chi-chi-chi’ is so annoying you don’t think you could take it.
A geodesic dome looks much like a ball cut in half. Due to its shape, the dome is durable and reliable. They are built to...
With skyrocketing prices at the grocery store and an unstable economy, it’s no surprise people are turning back to the ways of their grandparents and...
Unlike the normal business cycle that allows for a recession every few years to clear out the mal-investments and keep the system functioning properly, the...
The basic necessities of life—those things we all take for granted every day, are always what becomes most important to us when faced with a...
As a preparedness-minded person (& chief cook / bottle-washer), I often evaluate foods based on their shelf-life, ability to fill the eater up, adaptability in...
Electricity from waste? This may sound impossible to get but is not. Even if the title sounds impossible, wastes are used to generate, electricity, heat...
Famines aren’t something that most people think about in the United States, but they have happened throughout global history and within the US. Severe droughts...
In a SHTF event, chances are that you will not be able to rely on your fridge to preserve your food as usual. People can...
With so many folks preparing to survive economic depression as our parents and grandparents did in the 1930s, I wonder about our “progress” since that...