The First Thing You Should Do If An EMP Strikes
This article was originally published by Fergus Mason on askaprepper.com As preppers, most of us are aware of the dangers of an EMP attack. Unlike...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
This article was originally published by Fergus Mason on askaprepper.com As preppers, most of us are aware of the dangers of an EMP attack. Unlike...
This article was originally published by Charl M. on askaprepper.com Being outdoors is a great way to get in touch with nature and experience all...
If you want to observe a near-perfect communal prepping plan already in action, take a look at the Amish. They live sustainably in a community...
We can learn from the philosophy of ‘using and reusing’ that Depression era folks were forced to live with. We can learn by examining what...
About 53 percent of Millennials say they eat at restaurants at least once a week, compared with 43 percent of Generation X or baby...
Today the USA is the world’s economic and industrial superpower, but it hasn’t always been like that. In fact compared with some other countries, like...
Prepping for a major disaster is almost like preparing to embark on a great adventure.
Africa is said to be the cradle of civilization, and also one of the most fascinating people on Earth. In order to survive there, humans...
Today, changing weather patterns mean that more people will need to learn how to survive in extreme temperatures.
Our modern society is highly dependent upon the “system.” Not only do we rely upon utility services to bring us electricity, water and natural gas,...
The next big blackout of the power grid is a big concern for all of us. I found this great article about this very topic...
The display of people at their most vicious and greedy never fails to put me in a state of shock. The fact that a riot...
On a recent weekend camping trip with my oldest son, we decided to practice a primitive survival skill that is rapidly becoming a lost art...
Survival is not just about prepping or the amusing antics of a television survivalist. Every day, real people find themselves in situations where comfort, if...
The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of...
Skills are a major part of prepping. Although it is important to have supplies in place; the belief is that skills, and not supplies, will...