Wound closures when SHTF and there’s no doctor in site!
Wound Closure Safety Guidelines. Do not attempt any of these techniques unless you are in a WORL, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI situations. If you can get to...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Wound Closure Safety Guidelines. Do not attempt any of these techniques unless you are in a WORL, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI situations. If you can get to...
There are certain realities that some Preppers and others may not be dealing with or refuse to deal with. One reality that everyone needs to...
Ever been caught in the woods with nature calling you to a squatty position? If you forgot the Charmin, you’d still be a happy camper with Cowboy Toilet...
Whether you find yourself stranded in a hostile environment, or you’re facing a long term collapse of the grid, you’ve got to learn how to...
In the technological world we live in it is very easy to lose that capacity in a severe disaster. Our ability to use technology to...
Native Americans are, perhaps, the best example on the planet of a people who lived solely off the land while protecting it for future generations....
Prepping is a unique world because it’s filled with people heavy on theory but light on practical experience. And few of the folks with practical...
You’re in the middle of nowhere. Whether by choice or by accident, you need to be able to fend for yourself. Even if you brought...
Shelter is widely understood as being one of the top needs for survival. More than anything, shelter provides a means of protection from adverse weather,...
Survival is not just about prepping or the amusing antics of a television survivalist. Every day, real people find themselves in situations where comfort, if...
Cooking without electricity or other public utilities doesn’t have to be difficult. If you are using a wood stove for heating (as described in Part...
After an EMP attack, life will not be the same. Society will begin to crumble and law enforcement will no longer be available to help...
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a very real threat. Not only have EMPs been weaponized, meaning that a rival military force could use one against...
Looters are a serious problem that accompanies any disaster. If you don’t believe me, just look at Hurricane Katrina; the city was underwater, but the...
Movies and television are great at telling stories, but not so great at sticking to reality. There are a few persistent myths seen on a...
There are many ways to determine the direction of north-south-east-west. A compass anyone? If you ever find yourself in a jam during the day without...