25 Forgotten Pioneer Survival Lessons Worth Finding And Learning
Pioneer life has a special meaning in America. In less than 300 years, civilization spread across a vast continental wilderness. From the first landings in...
Common Wisdom For Uncertain Times
Pioneer life has a special meaning in America. In less than 300 years, civilization spread across a vast continental wilderness. From the first landings in...
We can learn from the philosophy of ‘using and reusing’ that Depression era folks were forced to live with. We can learn by examining what...
With wintertime bearing down upon us, it’s time for many of us to make a few changes. Winter coats come out of hiding and we...
There’s nothing more delicious and versatile than pasta. You can use it to make lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese or simple yet delicious rustic dishes...
While I think jerky and smoking is the tastiest way to preserve meat, this is another method someone told me about.
Though the pioneer women were used to cooking, doing so on an open flame was not something they knew how to do.
Invented by the natives of North America, pemmican was used by Indian scouts as well as early western explorers.
Pioneers didn’t have much, but what they did have they made the best of. At first, the settlers favoured the customary foods and recipes from...
Living without power, mini-marts, cars, electronics or running water may seem like a nightmare scenario but to pioneers it was just the way life was.
Settlers relied on “ granny medicine ” or home remedies passed from mother to daughter over the years.
For most of my venison recipes, I prefer to separate each muscle and cut slices or chunks across the grain of the muscle.
Curing hams used to be the best way to preserve pork before there was reliable refrigeration.
Pioneer life was not easy and the daily chores of managing a house where more than a full time occupation.
While I think jerky and smoking is the tastiest way to preserve meat, this is another method someone told me about.
Today, changing weather patterns mean that more people will need to learn how to survive in extreme temperatures.
When getting started in homesteading, money can be real tight, even sometimes for the basics. Here is a great course that can help you learn...